Lab Assisting
The Department of Chemistry offers students the opportunity to assist in the various laboratories taught by our faculty. Many benefits are accrued by such service. See below for more. We welcome qualified students to pass along their knowledge and exoerience
Assignment Request Form
Step by Step Instructions for Safety Training
Private Tutors
A number of individuals make them selves available as private tutors. They are Department approved and could be helpful. If you feel you might be able to be a private tutor, please contact the chemistry office.
General Information
The Department of Chemistry offers students the opportunity to assist in the various laboratories taught by our faculty. Many benefits are accrued by such service.
Ø Earn extra money.
Ø Enhance your chemical knowledge and skills. Learn while you teach. (Handy for review for professional exams!)
Ø Gain experience working in a teaching environment.
Ø Provide a valuable service to the Department.
Ø Get to know faculty members better. This allows faculty members to better know YOU as well. (Handy for those letters of recommendation!)
Ø Laboratories are offered all days of the week at most times.