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Foods and Health - Exercise Pages

Exercise and Workout Links

Contained on this page are various links to articles on exercises and programs I have found or produced. As it is not part of the main theme of this site, it is not linked anywhere. If you have found this, enjoy.

Perfect 4-Day Running Week Originally published in Runners World, here is an excellent article on a planned running week that contains all the needed elements.

Strength Ball Training for VolleyballA collection of exercises with graphics for core strength for use in volleyball

Chek Strength Program A powerful consultant on strength training with core and general heatlh, Paul Chek has an institute that specializes in all of these. This is an excerpt from his book "Eat Move and Be Healhty.

Colgan Power Core TrainingFrom the Colgan Institute and his book, "The Colgan Power Program", here is Dr. Michael Colgans Power Core Program

Dumbell Exercise ProgramHere is a program that I put together that involves dumbells only. Basic and complete.

Wil Brink - Body Building Revealed - PDF This is Brink's e-book on his take on bodybuilding and the elements that he considers important.

Hard Core ExercisesHere is a collection of exercises for a "Hard Core". Get it?

Six Pack AbsA large collection of abdominal exercises with trainer comments

Exercise for SlimmingHere is an article published by the National Academy of Sciences by Andrews. A nice general article.

CTS Training ProgramHere is a summary of training and assessment from the Carmichael Training System, trainer for Lance Armstrong. An outstanding outfit..I recommend them for personal training consultation..

Aerobic vs. AnaerobicA page devoted to the relative aspects of aerobic vs. anaerobic training.

NFPT ChartA chart used by the National Federation of Professional Trainers to determine weight and repetitions for fitness goals


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