AHA- American Heart Association
Abduction- movement of an extremity away from the midline of the body.
Acetate- an organic substance produced by the liver to be used for energy using cannibalized fat and muscle tissue; occurs during both starvation and over-exertion; extreme levels are toxic to the brain
Actin- the smaller of the two contractile elements which sustain damage through applied resistance and are once again repaired through anabolism resulting in hypertrophy of the myofibril
Acute- rapid onset and severe symptoms of occurrence; usually referring to injury
Adipose- of a fatty nature; fat
Aldosterone- hormone regulating salt and water balance
Androgenic- contributing to the formation of male and/or female characteristics
Anemia- condition in which oxygen transport by the red blood cells is deficient
Anabolism- the stage of metabolism when damaged tissue is being repaired
Angina Pectoris- periodic severe pain in the chest radiating to the left shoulder and down the inner side of the left arm, usually precipitated by physical exertion or emotional stress
Anorexia- lack or loss of appetite for food
Antagonistic Muscle- a muscle whose action opposes that of another muscle
Amylase- carbohydrate digestive enzymes.
Arteriole- a very small artery
Artery- a vessel through which the blood passes away from the heart to the various parts of the body
ADP- adenosine diphosphate; resultant molecule of splitting ATP for energy also used to regenerate ATP
ATP- adenosine triphosphate; chemical source of energy for all nucleated cells
Atrophy- a wasting away or diminution in the size of a cell, tissue, organ, or part
Beta Oxidation- energy producing process involving the breakdown of long chains of fatty acids into two carbon
molecules which enter metabolic pathways to produce ATP
Bile- emulsifier of fat; breaks fat down into easily metabolized droplets
Bloodsugar- circulating glucose within the cardiovascular system
Cannibalism- the breakdown and use of body tissue for energy in the absence of nutrients
Cartilage- hard tissue located chiefly in the joints of major bones
Catabolism- the stage of metabolism when activity is being performed causing damage to cells later needing repair
Catalyst- a substance which changes the velocity of a reaction but does not form part of the final product
Cerebrospinal Fluid- fluid which surrounds and circulates throughout the central nervous system
Chronic- gradual in onset and very slow in recovery, usually refers to injury which is long in duration
Chylomicrons- packaged form of fatty substances entering into the blood from digestion via the lymphatic system
Collateral- referring to fluid (blood) movement outside the main cardiovascular tree
Contraindication- outward signal of internal dysfunction, or adverse bodily activity
Cortisol- principle stress hormone released by the adrenal gland during times of physical and physiological stress, mobilizes fat and stimulates the liver to release tissue cannibalizing enzymes into the bloodstream
Creatine Phosphate- acts as store of high energy phosphate in muscle tissue
Deamination- the undesirable breakdown and use of amino acids for energy, performed by the liver, results in the toxic
ammonia; later broken down into urea for excretion
Dilation- the peripheral expansion of tissue; usually blood vessels
Ectomorphic- having a relative tendency to remain very thin
Edema- the presence of an abnormally large volume of fluid in the interstitial spaces of the body
Endomorphic- having a relative tendency to remain heavy or obese
Endomysium- a fine connective tissue sheath surrounding the individual muscle cell fiber
Enzyme- proteins in small amounts that speed up chemical reactions
Epimysium- a fine connective tissue sheath that surrounds the entire muscle group, also known as deep fascia
Equilibrium- the stage in metabolism when neither damage or repair is occurring; the cell is at rest
Ergometer- device normally used for submaximal aerobic evaluation (exercise bike)
Exogenous- imposing an affect on the body from the outside environment
Extracellular- all areas outside the tissue cell wall; usually referring to intramuscular areas.
Fatty acids- the body’s desired source of energy during steady state aerobic activity, and low level activity; used for ATP
production in muscle tissue during recovery glycogen replenishment
Glucagon- hormone released in response to low bloodsugar level; stimulates the liver to release stored glycogen in the
form of glucose into the bloodstream, returning bloodsugar levels to normal
Glucometer- self-testing device used to measure blood glucose
Gluconeogenesis- the formation of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources such as protein or fatty acids
Glucose- the principle bloodsugar
Glucose polymers- chain of glucose molecules linked together
Gluco-Stix- blood blotting stick used in conjunction with glucometer testing
Glycemic Index- a functional list of foods rated according to their specific absorption rate into the bloodstream
Glycerol- component of triglycerides capable of conversion to glucose
Glycogen- the chief carbohydrate storage form of glucose
Glycolysis- energy production using glucose
Hydrolysis- decomposition with the addition of water
Hyperplasia- an increase in the size of a muscle or organ owing to an increase in the number of cells
Hypertension- abnormally high tension; usually high blood pressure
Hypertonic- having an osmotic pressure greater than that of another solution with which it is compared
Hypertrophy- the enlargement or overgrowth of a part due to an increase in the size of its cells
Hypoglycemia- concentration of glucose in the blood below the normal limit
Hypotonic- having an osmotic pressure lower than that of a solution with whichit is compared
Impermeable- not permitting for passage; usually fluid
Innervation- a nerve supply that stimulates a motor unit to contract regardless of the angle of resistance, so long as the
action potential exceeds the motor unit’s contractile threshold
Insertion- place of attachment of a muscle to the bone which it moves; occurs at the end of the muscle furthest from the body
Insulin- hormone released during high bloodsugar levels, or at the onset of exercise, responsible for reducing bloodsugar
to its normal level through its mediating affect on the uptake of sugar into various body tissues to include muscle and fat
Insulin Receptor Sites- pathways located on various body tissues, which in the presence of insulin, allow for the transport
of nutrients into the cell
Intracellular- situated inside the cell
Intramuscular- areas which are situated
anywhere inside a muscle group
Interstitial- pertaining to, or situated in the gaps between tissues
Keto-Stix- self-test sticks used to examine urine levels of acetate, ketones
Ketones- bi-product of tissue use for energy; large amounts are toxic to brain function
Lactic Acid- accumulates in muscle fibers during strenuous exercise causing cramps and inhibiting contraction
Ligament- any tough, fibrous tissue connecting bone to bone
Lipolytic enzymes- fat digestive enzymes
Lymphatic Vessels- network of vessels that transport fluids from the interstitial areas back into the bloodstream
Lypase- one of the two principle fat burning enzymes
Mesomorphic- a relative tendency to remain muscular in appearance
Metabolism- the sum of all the chemical and physical changes that can take place in the body and enable continued growth and functioning
Mitochondria- cell organelles that most of the cell’s ATP; known as the powerhouse of the cell
Motor Unit- a group of fibers stimulated to contract simultaneously in response to an action potential of sufficient intensity
to surpass its threshold of sensitivity
Myofibril- contractile proteins inside the cell comprised of actin and myosin
Myosin- the larger of the two contractile elements making up the myofibrils
Neuron- a nerve cell transmitting an impulse allowing for the contraction of a motor unit
Nucleolus- surrounds nucleus and houses RNA
Nucleus- the controlling organelle embedded in cell membrane and houses DNA
Oxidative Phosphorylation- system of energy production involving the utilization of glucose or fat in the presence of
Peptides- short chains of amino acid molecules linked together
Perfusion- passage of blood through the vascular tissue into the interstitial space
Perimysium- connective tissue sheath surrounding each motor unit
Plateau- period of training or diet in which no progress is identified
Proteases- protein digesting enzymes
Pyruvate- converted form of intracellular glucose used for producing ATP energy with oxygen.
Ribosomes- elements located along myofibrils which act to manufacture and repair actin and myosin
Rough Sacroplasmic Reticulum- houses ribosomes and are located around myofibrils
Subcutaneous- beneath the skin
Synthesis- putting together parts to form a more complete whole
Tendon- fibrous cord of connective tissue in which the muscles end, and are where
muscles attach to bone or other structures
Tropic- triggering or influencing an action
Vein- vessel which moves blood to or toward the heart
Ventricle (left)- the chamber of the heart pumping blood to the aorta